SVCET NSS team conducted awareness SILENT WALKTON program on 17.03.2024 at Pondicherry Rock Beach
SVCET NSS team conducted awareness SILENT WALKTON program on 17.03.2024 at Pondicherry Rock Beach
In order to create a awareness on children with dyslexia, Autism, ADHD and Orphans with neuro disorder, Our NSS team combined with Pondicherry Dyslexia Association conducted a awareness SILENT WALKTON program on 17.03.2024 (Sunday) at Pondicherry Rock Beach, by Motivating the children’s and influencing the volunteers for support.
The program was organized by Dr. BhuvanaVasudevan, Bridge Learning school with Guest of Honor Principal Dr. S. PradeepDevaneyan and Dr.K.B.Jayaraman, Dean with flag raise.
The same is assisted and supported by Mr. V. Karthikeyan, Nss Coordinators. and Mr. C. Sandou Louis Kishor AP- EEE. Volunteers and students participated during the programme.
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